Items filtered by date: Wednesday, 16 October 2024
Wednesday, 16 October 2024 00:00 Published in Blog

From October 8th to 10th, 2024, Chillventa, the global refrigeration industry’s premier event, took place in Germany, bringing together experts and clients from around the world to discuss cutting-edge technologies and market trends. On October 9th, Changhong Huayi, under its CUBIGEL brand, officially launched a new series of dual ultra-high efficiency commercial fixed and variable speed compressors, marking a significant breakthrough in high-efficiency refrigeration technology. In addition, Changhong Huayi introduced its smart variable speed remote debugging tool and the high-efficiency MONOBLOCK condensing unit system. These innovations not only showcase the company's leadership in the global commercial refrigeration sector but also highlight its strong capabilities in product development, system solutions, and energy efficiency, contributing to sustainable development in the industry.


stand chillventa

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