New Alternative Refrigerants to R404A & Guidelines for the use of R290

Written by  Monday, 26 September 2016 00:00

New Alternative Refrigerants to R404A

Huayi Compressor Barcelona follows the refrigerant trends and is committed to alternatives to refrigerants with high global warming potential (GWP). Apart from an extended range of R290, Huayi Compressor Barcelona has performed several tests with different R404A alternatives trying to find a suitable solution that can comply with the new refrigerant regulations.

The current F-Gas regulation in Europe and the EPA in the United States are limiting the use of high GWP refrigerants in upcoming years. Apart from hydrocarbons, such as R290 and R600a, different alternative refrigerants for the R404A were offered by refrigerant manufacturers.
This paper summarizes all the results found during the test with the alternative refrigerants R449A and R452A.

See document at:


Guidelines for the use of R290

The increasing use of natural refrigerants in commercial applications such as propane (R290) and isobutene (R600a) is a priority, not only due to the need to replace HFC refrigerants, which have a high impact on the environment, but also because they are more ef?cient in terms of performance and energy consumption.

Huayi Compressor Barcelona believes that R290 represents the best long-term solution as an alternative for the R404A for light commercial applications.

The aim of these guidelines is to provide the necessary information for the use of the R290.

See document at:

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