
Written by  By Pedro Olalla – Sales Director Wednesday, 25 January 2017 00:00

Dear Customer,

With the arrival of a new year we look back to see how was and how we performed during last year and we look forward to define the new targets and challenges. For Huayi Compressors Barcelona and Huayi Group, 2016 was a very successful year; we had a sales increase of 20% and we have consolidated our position as the largest compressor manufacturer in the world.

For the upcoming years we expect to keep growing by launching to the market new, more efficient and cost competitive products, by penetrating new markets and by enlarging our product range. Huayi Group is committed to offering to the markets the best and most advanced products; as proof of this commitment, last December we had the opening ceremony of the new Global R&D center in the Jiaxipera factory, Jiaxing, China. This year we will show our products in two main exhibitions, in the AHR Show in Las Vegas, USA, and in the China Refrigeration Exhibition in Shanghai, China.

We are going to keep working very closely with you to continue developing the light commercial refrigeration market while we make it more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Happy New Year and very fruitful 2017

Pedro Olalla
Sales Director


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