New range of eco-design multi-refrigerant R404A • R452A • R448A • R449A condensing units by Cubigel Compressors

Written by  Marketing Wednesday, 13 November 2019 00:00

Huayi Compressor announces the availability of the complete range of multi-refrigerant units for R452A, R448A and R449A for LBP and HMBP aimed to light commercial refrigeration applications.

In accordance to F-gas regulation that will be effective from 1st January 2020, HFCs refrigerants like R404A with a GWP of 2500 or more will be banned in refrigerators and freezers for commercial use.

Cubigel Compressors® units are prepared for the use of refrigerants R452A, R448A and R449A as replacement, moreover, we are anticipating the next step of the F-Gas for the replacement of R134a to be phased out on 2022, the use of refrigerant R513A y R450A in our units.

Based on the test performed by Huayi Compressor Barcelona using the mid-point protocol, R452A showed similar performance to R404A in HMBP conditions and a small decreased performance by around 3% - 8% when tested under LBP conditions.

Huayi Compressor Barcelona has released its position in regards to the alternatives to R404A and R134a. At this moment there are no long-term alternatives to R404A in the market that can meet the F-Gas Regulation after 2022; these new refrigerant blends are only a transitional solution.

The company is committed to natural refrigerants (R290 and R600a) as a long-term solution for light commercial refrigeration. HCs are an environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-ozone-depleting replacement.

Multi-refrigerant condensing units R404A - R452A - R449A - R448A performance tables

Multi-refrigerant condensing units R134a - R513A - R450A performance tables 


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