
Written by  Pedro Olalla Huayi Compressor Barcelona Friday, 06 September 2013 14:00

Dear Customer,

With the acquisition by Huayi Compressor Co. Ltd. the former Cubigel Compressors, S.A. become part of the largest compressor manufacturer worldwide. The Huayi Group has four factories in China with a capacity of more than 30 million compressors. With its two brands, Huayi and Jiaxipera, Huayi Compressor Co. Ltd is the market leader in China and the largest household compressor manufacturer in the world.

At the same time Huayi Compressor Co. Ltd belongs to Sichuan Changhong Electric Co. Ltd, one of the largest industrial groups in China with a turnover in 2012 of more than $11 billion and 90,000 employees worldwide. Huayi Compressor Barcelona products keep the same brand Cubigel Compressors® and we maintain all our compressor ranges and condensing units for Commercial Refrigeration. Being part of Huayi Group gives us the industrial and financial strength to become leaders in this market.


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