
Written by  Pedro Olalla - Sales Director Thursday, 20 March 2014 17:07
Dear Customer,

During 2013, the Huayi Group became the largest compressor manufacturer in the world with sales of more than 34 million compressors with its brands Huayi, Jiaxipera and Cubigel Compressors®. This position is going to be further consolidated during 2014. The integration of Huayi Compressor Barcelona (HCB) inside the Huayi Group is completed and this position of leadership has allowed us to reinforce and recover our place in the market.

Despite the difficult economical environment worldwide during 2014, HCB expects to increase its sales by 30% by reinforcing our presence and market share, not only Europe, but in South America and Asia. The sales of the first months of this year are confirming that we are headed in the right direction.

At the same time, during 2014 it is planned to launch new products to meet the market requirement in terms of energy consumption and use of natural refrigerants. This year for the first time we are going to be present at China Refrigeration exhibition in Beijing from April 9th to 11th, and as usual, we are going to participate in Chillventa later in October, 2014.

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