New_U_range_models New_U_range_models

New U range models

Written by  Tuesday, 19 May 2015 00:00

Huayi Compressor Barcelona has introduced new high-efficiency models for the U range: HUY55MA, HUY70MA, for R600a and HMBP applications and GUY60NR, GUY70NR and GUY80NR for R134a LMBP applications. 

The New U Range has been designed using the most advanced technologies to minimize energy consumption while offering high cooling capacity. Thanks to its new shell, the compressor is more compact and rounded, and it offers a very low noise level.

R600a - HMBP

Table HUY models

R134a - LMBP

Table GUY models


The new GUY compressor is a compressor designed to work at LMBP (Low-Medium Back pressure) applications, with a temperature working range from -35ºC to -5ºC.

For more detailed information, see the New U Range brochure.


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