New Testing Chambers

Written by  Thursday, 12 May 2016 00:00

With the aim of improving the technical support to our customers, Huayi Compressor Barcelona has invested into two new additional climatic chambers for Household and Light Commercial Refrigeration applications.

These new chambers are provided with the most advanced instrumentation technology of the moment to guarantee the best reliability test results. The new chambers allow testing any kind of application: LBP, HBP, VHBP, among others; and they are able to perform different kinds of tests depending on the cabinet type, based on international standards, and also particular testing conditions based on customer’s requests on testing conditions.

In every new chamber it is possible to test 3 appliances at the same time which means a total of 6 additional fully automated testing stations to speed up the response to our customers but always maintaining maximum accuracy.

With the new installation Huayi Compressor Barcelona confirms and consolidates the growth of the European Application Engineering technological center based in Europe.

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