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On March 17th, 2014 FENG Yi joined Huayi Compressor Barcelona S.L. Feng will be responsible for sales/marketing in the China region.

Feng has over seven years international marketing experience working at several overseas subsidiaries of Changhong since 2003 and four years as executive manager in the headquarters before he recently joined Huayi Compressor Barcelona.
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The new F-Gas Regulation was approved in December 2013 by the European Parliament and Council. The aim of the agreed regulation is to reduce F-gas emissions of today's levels by two-thirds by 2030, compromising the most used HFC’s in the light commercial refrigeration industry.

With this new regulation Huayi Compressor Barcelona (HCB) reinforces its position for the use of natural refrigerant R290 as an optimum solution for the light commercial refrigeration to the HCF’s

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The end of the year is approaching and it is time to look back and make a summary. This has been our first year as part of Huayi group and it has been very positive; consequently, we have gained financial stability that has allowed us to stabilize our production, improve our level of service, reduce our lead times and recover the confidence and trust of the market.
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With the launching of the new web page, the Order Status section -an area reserved for the customers- is operative once again.

By entering this section, customers can check their orders and latest deliveries on-line in an easy and fast rapid way; they will be able to see a detailed list of their portfolio, compressor models, delivery date, last deliveries and status.


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