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On November 6, Huayi Compressor Barcelona held its 1st Customer’s Day, under the slogan “Reaching Success Through Partnership”. Our customers had the opportunity, in a relaxed atmosphere, to get to know the company’s new Board of Directors, its strategy and to exchange impressions about our products and the trends of the compressor market.
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While the European F-Gas banning regulation is still under discussion, Huayi Compressor Barcelona has already started testing the most suitable refrigerant alternatives to the currently more used F-Gases (R404A and R134a) in its market segment.

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On November 6, Huayi Compressor Barcelona carried out the 1st Customer’s Day. Under the slogan “Reaching Success Through Partnership”, our customers had the opportunity, in a relaxed atmosphere, to get to know the company’s new Board of Directors, its strategy and to exchange impressions about our products and the trends of the compressor market.

Dear Customer,

With the acquisition by Huayi Compressor Co. Ltd. the former Cubigel Compressors, S.A. become part of the largest compressor manufacturer worldwide. The Huayi Group has four factories in China with a capacity of more than 30 million compressors. With its two brands, Huayi and Jiaxipera, Huayi Compressor Co. Ltd is the market leader in China and the largest household compressor manufacturer in the world.


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